Mission Statement for J-aircraft.com

The mission of J-Aircraft.com is to promote research and information sharing to benefit both the modeler and the aviation historian. With this goal in mind we ask all that come here to participate in whatever manner possible, be it a kit review, a book review or adding expertise to the message boards, all information is welcome.

The only rule that we have here is play nice, this is a friendly and welcoming place and it will be kept that way by the staff of J-Aircraft.com.

J-aircraft.com is a not-for-profit website. Advertising will be sold only to cover the costs of the page and page services. The staff receives no payment for their work here and only participate to advance both the on-going research taking place and the promotion of modeling as a hobby and to advance on-going research.

That's it! Play nice and enjoy the page!

-Dave Pluth
Owner J-Aircraft.com

J-aircraft.com History

J-aircraft.com was officially started in March of 1998 when we acquired the domain name J-aircraft.com. In reality we started almost a year earlier and after being thrown off one internet provider because we generated too much traffic (back then it was 50+ people a day). Our second attempt at a service provider didn't go much better as the website crashed almost daily.

Finally after two false starts, we found hosting and the rest as they say has been over five years of history. In March of 2003 we celebrated our official (counter on the front page) one millionth visitory. Of course then the hosting company "upgraded" our website and the counter crashed.

The message boards where added in October of 1998, at which point things really took off. We retired our old DiscServer message boards and split the boards into Army, Navy, General and Want Ads. About a year later we added the Ships and Navy board, which was destined to become the largest of all of our message boards.

In November of 2001 the amount of traffic we were allowed for a single website was quickly being approached. We decide to add a second domain called j-aircraft.org to our family. J-aircraft.org is the home of all of our "application" based software. The message boards (written in Perl), our Book Review Section (written in PHP) and our Pacific Airfields Research Project (written in PHP) are all housed there. Also, our modeling sections will also be moving to that site very soon.

Over the course of the years we have had many visitors. Some have been with us a long time and even served on staff. Others wander through ask a question and disappear. Hopefully all will have a good experience here.

The staff of J-aircraft hope that you enjoy your trip through history with us!


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