Aircraft with Skis
Hayas with skis
Posted By: Elephtheriou George <>
Date: Saturday, 29 July 2000, at 4:46 p.m.
Since I'm so bored to see only German or Russian planes on a snow diorama, I'm thinking, why not try one with Japanese planes. FAOW 65 of the Hayabusa, page 31 has a photo with a machine with skis. It says, among others, that the landing gear was not changed, only the wheels were removed and skis fitted. Although I can see the yellow id. stripe, it mentions nothing about the color of the plane or the Sentai. But it says that the photo was taken at Hokkaido or Northern Japan. Also in Model Art 329, page 135, there is a photo with a Hayate with skis with even less details. How these skis looked like? How were they connected to the landing gear? Which Sentais used/tested these planes and how were they painted? Don't you think that it would make an interesting small diorama?
Re: Hayas with skis
Posted By: Ryan Boerema <>
Date: Tuesday, 1 August 2000, at 9:33 p.m.
In Response To: Hayas with skis (Elephtheriou George)
In Schiffer's "Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa" by Richard Bueschel there is the same picture on p.46 with the caption, "Some tests led to field modifications to meet special needs. Model II-Kai in Manchukuo is equipped with retractable skis. Aircraft is probably with the 48th or 203rd (sic) Air Regiment of the Counter-Soviet Patrol which saw brief action in August 1945." It looks NMF to me, but who knows. Beside the above photo is another of a testbed Ki-43IIA with a four bladed prop (!) and somewhat less triangular skis and a darker paint scheme.
See? Every answer just leads to more questions.
Re: Hayas with skis
Posted By: Elephtheriou George <>
Date: Tuesday, 1 August 2000, at 11:16 p.m.
In Response To: Re: Hayas with skis (Ryan Boerema)
Ki-43IIA with four bladed prop??????????????????????? FAOW mention nothing about it. Unfortunately, I don't have the Model Art issue about the Hayabusa (is there one?). Maybe it mention something there. Or maybe not.......
Yes, one question leeds to more, but that's the fun of it and that's how you learn more. No?
Re: Hayas with skis
Posted By: Ryan Boerema <>
Date: Wednesday, 2 August 2000, at 7:53 p.m.
In Response To: Re: Hayas with skis (Elephtheriou George)
Model Art #395 covers the Ki-43, but no mention -- or at least no photo for us kanji-impaired -- of ski-equipped Ki-43. BTW, neither Model Art or "Emblems of the Rising Sun" mentions a 203'd sentai -- although Bueschel and Thorpe do, the former saying it was formed in Manchoukuo in 4/42 for Counter Soviet Patrol. Of course, as the Russians invaded in August there's little chance, whoever flew them, that they saw action on skis. Although, maybe, the 54th, up there on Paramushiro Island....
Re: Hayas with skis
Posted By: Elephtheriou George <>
Date: Wednesday, 2 August 2000, at 10:31 p.m.
In Response To: Re: Hayas with skis (Ryan Boerema)
It looks more and more like a very difficult subject...... But the diorama idea sound more and more fascinated to me. Maybe I will settle with the unknown (?) Sentai of the fantastic photo of page 125 of emblems of the rising sun book. As the Japanese say: Sorre ga jinsei desu
Re: Hayas with skis
Posted By: Jim Broshot <>
Date: Wednesday, 2 August 2000, at 10:29 p.m.
In Response To: Re: Hayas with skis (Ryan Boerema)
Sorry for the belated posting:
Caption under photo found in Aircraft in Profile No. 46 -"The Nakajima Ki.43 Hayabusa" (Martin C. Windrow and R. F. Francillon)
"An unusual modification of the Ki-43-II KAI: a ski main undercarriage fitted for testing in Manchuria. Main gear legs were presumably locked down though this machine retains open wheel wells."
Markings are hard to make out. Skis are pretty much concealed in snow.
Wasn't the Ki-27 tested/used with a ski undercarriage?
Re: Hayas with skis
Posted By: Elephtheriou George <>
Date: Wednesday, 2 August 2000, at 10:43 p.m.
In Response To: Re: Hayas with skis (Jim Broshot)
Dear Jim,
Never heard of the Ki-27 with skis. Wonder if there are any photos around. But there is an interesting photo in Schifer's Mitsubishi G3M book, of a bomber with skis. On the other hand, the FAOW book about the Hayate, says that the drag of the skis while the plane was in flight made it very difficult to control. My thought is that the upper surface of the skis (the section they fitted with the "wheel legs") had roughly the shape of the undercarriage wheel wells, so the skis might fit in. Just a thought. Otherwise the plane shoud always fly with the undercarriage down.
Re: Hayas with skis
Posted By: Hiroyuki Takeuchi
Date: Tuesday, 1 August 2000, at 11:06 p.m.
In Response To: Re: Hayas with skis (Elephtheriou George)
I know that the Koku Shinsabu (IJA air testing department - headquartered in Yokota AB) was responsible for testing just about all IJA types with skis. I don't know if they served with any operational units.
Tonyski *PIC*
Posted By: David_Aiken <>
Date: Thursday, 3 August 2000, at 7:49 a.m.
Aloha All,
Found this neat shot of a Tony with skis.
Editors note: Photo not included; see the Army message board for photo
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